Loop not pulling in metatags


I've been pulling songs into Loop from my iTunes library and many of the songs are coming in as Unknown Artist, Unknown Album, etc., even though the information exists in iTunes. What can I do to get this information to come into Loop along with the audio files?


Hello Chris,
Thanks for reaching out.
The fact that information exists in iTunes doesn't mean it exists in file meta tags. VOX uses audio meta info. You can open any file in any meta tag editor software and check.
This article might be helpful for you: http://support.coppertino.com/kb/loop-for-vox/how-to-tag-files-prop...


Thanks this is good to know.

Chris Berseth | Creative Consultant
Digital Marketing and Marketing Operations

University of Minnesota Health and Fairview Health Services
2101 Minnehaha Ave | Minneapolis, MN 55404
Ph. 612 672.7606 | cberset1@fairview.orgcberset1@fairview.org


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