Haas Effect


Could you add the Haas effect in the next update? I can not explain to you its principle of working in English, So can I want to talk to you in Russian
Can I speak with you in Russian?


Добро пожаловать. Пишите как удобнее.


I can't write in Russian, I don't publish a comment. English only. Why?


Could be some problem with Tender App website where we host this forum. You can write in any language using Feedback form in VOX: Seend Feedback.

Можете написать нам напрямую в Воксе : Настройки - Оставить отзыв.


Well, answer the question, do you add a haas effect or not? Is it difficult to add it? And is it even possible?


Honestly, would like to see some reasoning behind this feature request. How exactly do You want to use Haas effect in a music player? What for?

Как именно вы видите использование эффекта Хааса в музыкальном плеере? Пока не понятен запрос, трудно ответить.


This effect is in the global equalizer Viper4Android. This effect makes the delay of the left channel in the range from 1 ms to 20 ms (this function is configurable). You can also implement this effect in the desktop version Viper4Windows This effect gives an enhanced stereo effect.




P.S. Surrounded the spatial sound. Haas effect below


So You are talking about Stereo Image Enhancer. We are looking towards adding a processing like this but not exactly like this one You mentioned. But no estimation for now on when it will be available in VOX.


I'm not sure that you understand me. Here is a detailed description, I hope you understand.


